Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All I can Say is Thank You :)

When I had lots, yet so much lost,
you waited for me with all the love.

When I was so scared to walk the woods,
up in front to hold my hand, there you stood.

When I was struggling to find my way in dark,
You showed me way, paved through grass.

When I wanted the rains to wet me through,
The heavens showered black and blue.

When I asked God was it You,
He said not Me , someone else made that only for you.

When I dreamt of Love, God came in dreams
Said, "Open your eyes, Here's my gift "

When I dint find any, He gave this poem and said
"Find the 'you' from the lines above "

When I found him and said "Thank You",
God went away saying "I have made him just for you".

Monday, June 14, 2010

Education is what you retain when Education ends...

We live in an educated , civilized and a morally heftier society where education is as important as food , shelter and other primary needs. Education is gaining such supremacy over other essential factors that the moment child leaves the mother's womb, the world around starts to chalk down the list of schools in the locality ,where he can commute , learn and grow up to a potential Engineer, Doc and bla bla bla.The days after birth ,when he knows just to cry, are his only days of actual rest. The moment he learns to make noises with his tongue and stars mimicking his surroundings , the next moment he is taught to speak A, B, C....1,2,3....He is helpless because he doesnot know how to speak and he desperately wants to unleash the world around as quickly as possible.But with the advent of education so suddenly into his life ,before he realized, denies the opportunity to construct his own theories of the world and then refine them based on confirming and dis confirming evidence . Soon he is part of the rat race to prove himself smarter and faster than the rest. I am sure if he knew and understood what to speak he would surely say "Gimme a break". The innate propensities to learn disappeared somewhere in the oblivion. He no more learns. He races, against himself - against his counterparts -against time.In this run he sometimes ends up living upto his parents, teachers dream and sometimes he doesn't.In case the latter happens , it could be lethal many a times. And then how do you define education. As something which can kill if not yields positive results.Instead of burdening the child with bulky curricula why not make space for his mind to grow. Digest his failure equally as his success. Give him the food for thought , nourish his cognitive ventures and accompany him rediscover the unknown so that at the end of this enriching journey of education he retains his education and has the power to absorb beyond the boundaries. Lets make this journey of education worthwhile and worth travelling unlike its conventional transverse.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Boring Sunday !!!!!

Boring Sundays are one of the most commonest things which happen to me as often as Sundays. Yes!! Sundays go boring mostly for me.I still havent been able to figure out how and why.The Beauty lies in the fact that it recursively repeats and re-iterates though I make a deliberate endeavour to prevent such a thing from happening.No use!!!

Week after week , week days gets monotonous and I heartily pray God to make my Sunday jobless so that I can rest doing nothing, stare from my balcony couch thinking nothing .And when God showers His' blessings and grants me my wish, I suffer a 180 deg shift and start cribbing on why does Sunday go boring.

Lets introspect more into what could be the probable causes of such a dilemna. May be, its not just my problem.It could be a problem with you, me and everyone else. We always hanker for something we didnot get. Keep no stones unturned to achieve it.Cheer up and consol ourself when we fail in this journey. Urge harder. Think nothing but our 'Aim'. But alas!! when we are just at our target and the smell of success in achieving this feat sinks in...Heart goes on saying "Take it easy.No big deal". And then we realize just one more feather to my cap.

Same is the case with a Sunday. With one of the most tidious assignments which I am into, Sundays are uncommon for me.But given a chance, I make sure I am at home with no work - absolute jobless , no guests, no unnecessary phone calls, no street shopping or outing. And lots of effort goes in simulating such an ideal environment. And when its made , I suddenly realize may be we humans cant live with something Ideal. We need change , not necesarrily a Ideal one.