Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All I can Say is Thank You :)

When I had lots, yet so much lost,
you waited for me with all the love.

When I was so scared to walk the woods,
up in front to hold my hand, there you stood.

When I was struggling to find my way in dark,
You showed me way, paved through grass.

When I wanted the rains to wet me through,
The heavens showered black and blue.

When I asked God was it You,
He said not Me , someone else made that only for you.

When I dreamt of Love, God came in dreams
Said, "Open your eyes, Here's my gift "

When I dint find any, He gave this poem and said
"Find the 'you' from the lines above "

When I found him and said "Thank You",
God went away saying "I have made him just for you".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a very sweet poem I have read after a long long time. Beautiful.!!!! ---Yours truly